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General Knowledge Training Building Owner Tips

TACO Webinar:  Moving BTUs in Commercial Buildings

Picture of Kelly Patterson
By Kelly Patterson on October, 17 2016

AdobeStock_60247910.jpegWe like to make sure that our readers know about upcoming educational opportunities.  This upcoming PM Engineer webinar, sponsored by TACO, on November 8 is free to attend and sure to be filled with valuable information!

Moving BTUs In Commercial Buildings: Comparing Water, Air & Refrigerants

When: November 8, 2016 at 2 PM EST

Considering HVAC system options for commercial buildings is best evaluated by measuring the efficiency of transporting thermal energy around a building via water, air or refrigerants. This webinar will focus on the comparative performance of these HVAC system options using real world examples of metered data of the different systems and their comfort factor using occupants' actual ratings. The presentation will include a method to compare efficiencies of HVAC systems using AHRI equipment data.

What participants will learn from this webinar:

  • How hydronics system energy efficiency compares with air and refrigerant systems
  • How to compare the system comfort of hydronics against air and refrigerant systems
  • What is the method to modify AHRI equipment efficiencies in order to compare different systems against each other
What are some of the latest innovations in hydronic systems


Greg-Cunniff.pngGreg Cunniff, P.E.
Manager of Application Engineering
Taco Comfort Systems

About Greg Cunniff, P.E.
Cunniff holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Montana State University in aerospace and mechanical engineering. Over the course of his career he has been a consulting engineer, a temperature controls contractor, a manufacturer's rep  and a design-build contractor. The author of numerous published technical articles and white papers, he also co-authored a college textbook, Modern Geothermal HVAC: Engineering and Controls Applications, published by McGraw-Hill Education in 2013.

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